
Could not load file or assembly microsoft.mshtml in Telerik Reporting

I'm using Telrik Reporting and after opened the trdp file in order to modify it , when I select a bloc section to edit it , I got this error :

enter image description here


I have already added Microsoft.mshtml in Visual Studio 2019 and Copy local option is set to true but there is no change and I'm still getting this exception .

enter image description here

How can I solve it?


  • Just a heads up, I answered this on the Telerik Reporting Forums, but I also wanted to share this here with the rest of the community as well. The issue appears to derive from the machine that has Telerik Reporting installed.

    Some Telerik Reporting users have reported that Windows Server variants do not include the Microsoft.mshtml in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC). To resolve this, I recommend installing the Microsoft.mshtml assembly in the GAC using gacutil.

    To do this, use the Developer Command Prompt for VS and perform the following steps.

    1. Download the Microsoft.mshtml assembly and save it to the Downloads folder.
    2. Change directory to the Downloads folder in the Developer Command Prompt: cd %USERPROFILE%\Downloads
    3. Install the assembly in the GAC: gacutil /i microsoft.mshtml
    4. Verify that it has been installed: gacutil /l microsoft.mshtml