
Vuex dynamic array without declaration at start

I have a state containing an "array" of boolean.

state:{ myArray:{} }

I use mutation for setting the value

 mutations: {
        Deactivate: function (state, name) {
            var storeName = 'Default';
            if (name)
                storeName = name.storeValue;
            state.myArray[storeName] = false; //got a function for activate

I got a component that use the array with the given "name".


my component never refresh with the store value unless I declare the boolean on state declaration.

    state:{ myArray:{ Default: false } }

did I miss something so that components that use the array is refresh and I dont declare each part of the array. (dynamic array/object)


  • at the start of your file, you can import the vue setter :

    import { set } from 'vue'

    When you assign a key/value to your object, you should use this approach :

    set(state.myArray, 'storeName',  false); 

    Please, take a look at