In Electron if I throw an error anywhere on the backend it goes to a custom window. Trying to find a way to catch that to push to a custom area in my app I've found that I can detect the process with process.on('uncaughtException')
. However I'm stuck trying to run a sender to send either the error or the report. What I've tried:
ipcMain.on('main', async (e, data) => {
try {
await someModule(data)
process.on('uncaughtException', err => e.sender.send('error', err.message))
return e.sender.send('audit', 'No issues found')
} catch (err) {
module.export = data => {
throw Error('this is a test')
In the above I'm sending both get both errorand
audit` to renderer. I've researched for a way to pass 'uncaughtException' to a ternary but I'm not able to find any docs on how to condition for 'uncaughtException' but I did try:
process.on('uncaughtException', err => {
if (err) return e.sender.send('error', err.message)
return e.sender.send('audit', 'test complete')
and the above only works if an error is present, research:
In Electron how can I intercept the error to pass it to renderer from main without throwing the default error window?
If you use ipcMain.handle
you will be able to handle errors in the renderer process like this
// Main process
ipcMain.handle('my-invokable-ipc', async (event, data) => {
await someModule(data)
return 'No issues found'
// Renderer process
async () => {
try {
const result = await ipcRenderer.invoke('my-invokable-ipc', data)
console.log(result) // 'No issues found' if someModule did not throw an error
} catch (err) {
// you can handle someModule errors here
Update: An issue with this approach is that the error emitted to the renderer process is serialized and it gets printed even though it's handled with a try/catch.
To fix this, you can also handle the errors in the main process
// Main process
ipcMain.handle('my-invokable-ipc', async (event, data) => {
try {
await someModule(data)
return 'No issues found'
} catch (err) {
// handle someModule errors and notify renderer process
// return err.message or any other way you see fit
// Renderer process
async () => {
const result = await ipcRenderer.invoke('my-invokable-ipc', data)
console.log(result) // 'No issues found' if someModule did not throw an error