I am using huxtable to display tables in RMarkdown for output: pdf_document.
When I put a label in the table
huxtable(mytable) %>%
and then make a reference in the body text like
See Table \@ref(tab:mylabel) for more details
It displays "See Table @ref(tab:mylabel) for more details" rather than giving the table number.
This was covered for Bookdown in Huxtable package for R: How to correctly reference huxtables in bookdown?
Do I need some special option or other setting to make it work for a regular PDF document?
Seems so. The rmarkdown guide says you will need "a bookdown format" to use cross-referencing in that way. However, there's an alternative: use embedded TeX, rather than this rmarkdown format. A MWE:
hux("A huxtable") %>%
set_label("tab:foo") %>%
set_caption("You'll need a caption too")
Here's a reference to \ref{tab:foo}.