I have to color the price plot differently based on the cluster given by the kmeans
function. Consider this code:
nomiequity <- "^IXIC"
datastart <- "2019-09-18"
nsdq.prices <- get.hist.quote(instrument = nomiequity,
compression = "d",
start = datastart,
end = "2020-12-31",
retclass = "zoo",
quote = "AdjClose")
d<- merge(nsdq.prices, c)
e<-split(nsdq.prices, c)
plot(nsdq.prices, type="l", col="green", ylim=c(6000, 13000))
lines(e[["2"]], type = "l", col="red")
lines(e[["3"]], type = "l", col="blue")
The result is almost what I need to do, but I don't want to show those connection between same colors in diffent time.
The problem is that the clusters get merged in the line
s. You could use the rle
lengths to increase the number by one when the clusters change in the time series. For this use Map
to rep
eat consecutive numbers l
times. Then you are able to split
on these growing numbers but use cl
uster to define the color of the lines
. For the latter use lapply
to loop over the splitted e
cl <- kmeans(nsdq.prices, 3)$cluster
l <- rle(as.numeric(cl))$lengths
s <- Map(rep, seq(l), l)
e <- split(cbind(nsdq.prices, cl), unlist(s))
plot(nsdq.prices, type="l", col=7, ylim=c(6000, 13000))
invisible(lapply(e, function(x) lines(x$Adjusted, col=x$cl + 1)))
legend("topleft", leg=c(sprintf("cl %s", 1:3), "missing"), col=c((1:3)+1, 7), lty=1)
Where there's no date defined there appear gaps. We could use the zoo
interpolations by overplotting the original plot using a "missing" color.