
separate web and mobile flutter

I want to separate between web and mobile in my flutter project. I use below code but not work in web app (when I'm test in chrome with this mode)

onTap: () {    
Platform.isAndroid || Platform.isIOS
            ? Navigator.push(context,
                MaterialPageRoute(builder: (_) => ArticlePage(title, id)))
            : launch(URL);

in web app my button not work and in mobile is work. any idea or tip?!


  • You can:

    1- use a package like universal_io.

    2- if you don't want to use a package you need to create two files

    The first one platform_io.dart

    import 'dart:io';
    class QPlatform {
      static const bool isWeb = false;
      static final bool isIOS = Platform.isIOS || Platform.isMacOS;

    The second one platfrom_web.dart

    class QPlatform {
      static const bool isWeb = true;
      static final bool isIOS = false;

    and then import it like this where you want to use it

    import 'platform/platform_web.dart'
        if (dart.library.io) 'platform/platform_io.dart';
    // and use it
    onTap: () {    
                ? launch(URL)
                : Navigator.push(context,
                    MaterialPageRoute(builder: (_) => ArticlePage(title, id)));

    This should do the trick for you