
Azure FHIR Proxy using Postman - 401 You do not have permission to view this directory or page

I have set up an instance of Azure FHIR with an Azure FHIR proxy using this tutorial:

I am unable to call the proxy without getting the following error message:

You do not have permission to view this directory or page.


I have created a token successfully using the following tutorial:

I have created an app service principal in Azure with the permissions to access the FHIR proxy:

I am generating the token using the following in postman:

Auth URL:

Access Token URL:

Client ID: 4d138742-44c0-42cb-9878-8647a1d2ef17

Client Secret: Well..that's a secret!

Scope: openid profile

State: 12345

Postman auth token setup

Postman returns 3 tokens: Access_token, Refresh_token, Id_token.

I have tried each token and all return the same 401 error.

ID token JWT looks like this:


I have tried calling the FHIR proxy API's, due to the tutorial I am not 100% which are the correct URLs:

None of this works, I just keep getting the same error. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong? Should I be calling the FHIR proxy API using the token? If so, why is the API not letting me in?


  • I managed to fix the issue. I found that the resource ID was needed in the auth URL:

    Access Token URL

    This can be obtained from Enterprise Applications:

    Getting the resource ID from enterprise applications

    Also, creating two separate app registrations:

    Two separate app registrations