
RDF/XML to XHTML/HTML5 for Semantic web

So, I have numerous files in RDF/XML format which I want to use on the web. I want to be part of the Linked Data community and have HTML and RDF versions of my data files. Usually, what I've found is information about going the other way. However, if one had RDF data and wanted to share it, in a format that could be read by people on a web page, what would be the best way to do this?

1) I found a nice tool at: foaf-visualizer.org, which uses JQuery and CSS to present foaf files. It is a rather nice tool but I didn't see that the code itself was available so that one could extend it for other tags besides the ones that the author chose to display. Maybe, I should create my own JQuery solution. I took an RDF file and converted it online to RDFa and could then use that, or the RDF file to display content from the RDF/XML file.

2) Use some form of style sheet transformation to convert either the rdf or the rdfa into an HTML version of the file. This second option would require manually inserting text into the document. The tool that created RDFa from RDF/XML just created a bunch of div tags using XSLT. Nothing that would display in the browser.

3) Some other version or approach to this might be possible. Thanks, Bruce


  • One option (but not necessarily the simplest) would be to load all the RDF/XML files into a triple store, and use a front-end such as Pubby or Linked Data Pages to generate the published HTML and RDF versions.