I'm working on a unit test for a class that relies heavily on Calendar. I'm trying to mock out all the calls so that I can basically insert my own specified system time into the class to do some date-time logic testing.
This is my first attempt:
Calendar fixedSystemCal = Calendar.getInstance();
fixedSystemCal.set(2021, Calendar.FEBRUARY, 22, 18, 0, 0);
Unfortunately, after some poking around, I discovered that this doesn't work, because the calendar object is mutated inside the class. Since this mock returns the same calendar each time, this is a problem. For example:
Calendar firstCall = Calendar.getInstance(); //Feb 22
firstCall.add(Calendar.DATE, 5); //Feb 27
Calendar secondCall = Calendar.getInstance() // This is also Feb 27 now
Is there any way to get a different calendar object back each time (for an arbitrary number of calls)? The only solution I've found so far is just repeating it many times like this:
Calendar fixedSystemCal = Calendar.getInstance();
fixedSystemCal.set(2021, Calendar.FEBRUARY, 22, 18, 0, 0);
EasyMock.expect(Calendar.getInstance()).andReturn((Calendar) fixedSystemCal.clone()).andReturn((Calendar) fixedSystemCal.clone()).andReturn((Calendar) fixedSystemCal.clone());
I'm going to be replacing this code with Java time in the next step but I need a functioning unit test before I can make the change over.
You should be able to use andAnswer
instead of andReturn
to provide a lambda/IAnswer
implementation that you can use to return a new instance. Something like:
.andAnswer(() -> (Calendar)fixedSystemCal.clone());