
Not Sure How to Fix Errors Using 'ODE45' Command

I am having trouble figuring out how to fix my script, specifically using the ODE45 command.

This is what I have so far:

clc; clear all;

global I11 I22 I33 Mx My Mz w10 w20 w30 eps10 eps20 eps30 eps40 IC

I11 = 160;
I22 = 400;
I33 = 400;
Mx = 0;
My = 0;
Mz = 45;

w10 = 2;
w20 = -1;
w30 = 1;

eps10 = 0;
eps20 = 0;
eps30 = 0;
eps40 = 1;

IC = [w10 w20 w30 eps10 eps20 eps30 eps40];

function soln = DynEqn1(t,y,I11,I22,I33,Mx,My,Mz)
global I11 I22 I33 Mx My Mz w10 w20 w30 eps10 eps20 eps30 eps40 

w1 = y(1);
w2 = y(2);
w3 = y(3);
eps1 = y(4);
eps2 = y(5);
eps3 = y(6);
eps4 = y(7);

w1_dot = Mx - w2*w3*(I33-I22)/I11;
w2_dot = My - w1*w3*(I11-I33)/I22;
w3_dot = Mz - w1*w2*(I22-I11)/I33;

eps1_dot = .5*(w1*eps4-w2*eps3+w3*eps2);
eps2_dot = .5*(w1*eps3+w2*eps4-w3*eps1);
eps3_dot = .5*(-w1*eps2+w2*eps1+w3*eps4);
eps4_dot = -.5*(w1*eps1+w2*eps2+w3*eps3);

soln = [w1_dot; w2_dot; w3_dot; eps1_dot; eps2_dot; eps3_dot; eps4_dot];

I recently though the issues was with my variables, which is why I defined them all as global.

When I try to run the following in the command window:

[t, y] = ode45(@(t,y) DynEqn1(t,y,I11,I22,I33,Mx,My,Mz), [0 30], IC);

I get these errors:

>> [t, y] = ode45(@(t,y) DynEqn1(t,y,I11,I22,I33,Mx,My,Mz), [0 30], IC);
Undefined function or variable 'DynEqn1'.

Error in @(t,y)DynEqn1(t,y,I11,I22,I33,Mx,My,Mz)

Error in odearguments (line 90)
f0 = feval(ode,t0,y0,args{:});   % ODE15I sets args{1} to yp0.

Error in ode45 (line 115)
    odearguments(FcnHandlesUsed, solver_name, ode, tspan, y0, options, varargin);

I've tried researching it on Mathworks and other websites, but couldn't figure out what is the issue.

I'm not too familiar using the 'ODE45' function as well.

Any help is appreciated. Thank you.


  • Are you defining a local function inside a script file? If so, bear in mind that "Local functions are only visible within the file where they are defined. They are not visible to functions in other files, and cannot be called from the Command Window." (Ref.)

    You need to either call ode45(...DynEqn1...) from the script file, rather than the command line, or create a separate file to make the function visible to the outside world.