I am struggling to find out is there a way to feed input
to the interactive command of gst a.st b.st ... -
and redirect the output. Normally, the interactive buffer will
have st> ...
and when you type a command it will output something by calling
the default/override displayString
method to the interactive output. How to get the input
and feed the output using linux command or maybe a tiny smalltalk test script to do that.
Thank you.
Here's a contrived demonstration program. It reads in strings from standard input until EOF, sorts them, then prints them out:
input := stdin nextLine.
c := OrderedCollection new.
[ input ~= nil ] whileTrue: [
c add: input.
input := stdin nextLine.
c sort do: [ :each | each printNl ]
You can run it interactively (pressed Ctrl-D after entering hhh
$ gst sortprog.st
Or I can create a text file test.in
with the following contents:
Then run:
$ gst sortprog.st < test.in > test.out
And then check the contents of the output file:
$ cat test.out
If your program has prompts, they will appear in the output file, of course. Anything going to stdout
will go to that file.