I'm trying to make a visual metronome of sorts in which I press a button in order to change the bpm. Once the bpm is 85, if the button is pressed once more, if goes back to the default bpm (of 120). t this is my code:
from gpiozero import *
from time import sleep
bpmButton = Button(6)
bpmLED = LED(14)
#This function defines the flashing light
def lightFlash(luz, tiempoOn, rate):
#This changes the flashing light according to the bpm
def bpmIndicator(bpm):
durFlash = 60 / bpm
durLuz = 0.2
lightFlash(bpmLED, durLuz, durFlash)
#Initial bpm
currentBpm = 120
while True:
if bpmButton.is_pressed:
currentBpm -= 5
if currentBpm < 80:
currentBpm= 120
And this works. However, when I try putting whats in the "while" loop in a function it doesn't work anymore. I don't seem to be able to store the new currentBpm
value. Here's my attempt at trying to convert it into a function.
def bpmChanger(bpm):
if bpmButton.is_pressed:
bpm -= 5
if bpm < 80:
bpm= 120
currentBpm = 120
while True:
I'd like to save whatever value bpmChanger
returns, as I plan on using it later on in the project.
As mentioned you have to tell python, that you want to use the "bpmButton" variable from outside the function. Because otherwise python instantiates a new variable with the same name, but no value. Try this:
def bpmChanger(bpm):
global bpmButton # EDIT
if bpmButton.is_pressed:
bpm -= 5
if bpm < 80:
bpm= 120