
Why is this code is generating an infinite recursion in SML if it has a base case?

I wrote the following code in SML with the NJ Compiler:

fun all_answers (f, xs) = 
        fun aux(accu, xs_left) = 
            case xs of
               [] => SOME accu
            | x::xs' => case f(x) of 
                          NONE => NONE
                        | SOME y => aux(accu@y, xs')
        aux([], xs)

It works well for this tests:

val testAll1 = all_answers ((fn x => if x = 1 then SOME [x] else NONE), []) = SOME []
val testAll2 = all_answers ((fn x => if x = 1 then SOME [x] else NONE), [2,3,4,5,6,7]) = NONE

However, something weird happens with this test:

val testAll3 = all_answers ((fn x => if x = 1 then SOME [x] else NONE), [1]) = SOME [1]

After running the program, the terminal goes on forever.

I defined the tail recursion and used the pattern-match with xs' to reach the tail.

Moreover, I defined the base case to end the recursion so that if xs is [] then the auxiliary function returns SOME accumulator

Can anybody help me?

Thanks in advance.


  • As @kopecs pointed out, this is caused by case xs of when you want case xs_left of.

    Here is a cleaned up (whitespace, naming) version of your function:

    fun all_answers (f, ys) =
            fun aux (accu, xs) =
                case xs of
                     [] => SOME accu
                   | x::xs' => case f x of
                                    NONE => NONE
                                  | SOME y => aux (accu@y, xs)
            aux ([], ys)

    There are at least two things you could do to simplify the way this function is made. (1) Perform the case xs of inside the function pattern rather than in a nested case-of. (2) Remove the inner aux function and simply do the recursion in the outer function, at the expense of some tail-recursion

    The first simplification might look like:

    fun all_answers2 (f, ys) =
            fun aux (accu, []) = SOME accu
              | aux (accu, x::xs) =
                   case f x of
                        NONE => NONE
                      | SOME y => aux (accu@y, xs)
            aux ([], ys)

    And the second might look like:

    fun all_answers' (f, []) = SOME []
      | all_answers' (f, x::xs) =
          case f x of
               NONE => NONE
             | SOME ys => case all_answers' (f, xs) of
                               NONE => NONE
                             | SOME result => SOME (ys @ result)

    This shows a pattern: Whenever you have

    case f x of
         NONE => NONE
       | SOME y => case g y of
                        NONE => NONE
                      | SOME z => ...

    then you have a programming pattern that could be abstracted out with a function.

    There is already a standard library function that is made for this called, so you could write:

    fun all_answers3 (f, ys) =
            fun aux (accu, []) = SOME accu
              | aux (accu, x::xs) =
         (fn y => aux (accu@y, xs))
                             (f x)
            aux ([], ys)

    Try and play around with this function in the REPL:

    - (fn y => y + 2) NONE;
    > val it = NONE : int option
    - (fn y => y + 2) (SOME 2);
    > val it = SOME 4 : int option

    Taking this in another direction, rather than an inner function:

    (* Alternative to *)
    fun for NONE _ = NONE
      | for (SOME x) f = f x
    (* Equivalent to Option.mapPartial with "flipped" arguments: *)
    fun for opt f = Option.mapPartial f opt
    fun all_answers'' (f, []) = SOME []
      | all_answers'' (f, x::xs) =
          for (f x) (fn ys =>
            for (all_answers'' (f, xs)) (fn result =>
              SOME (ys @ result)))

    This style is more Haskell-like because it follows a monadic design pattern.