I am having difficulty understanding how the training will be resumed when the model is loaded from disk when a scheduler like the one below is used.
learning_rate_scheduler = tensorflow.keras.optimizers.schedules.ExponentialDecay(
Consider this hypothetical situation, where I trained the model for one epoch and saved. Later I loaded the model and fit again. In this case, will the training resumes from the learning rate that was when the model saved previously or will it start from the pre-defined configuration of the scheduler?
I am saving my model in the standard way,
Below is the optimizer config after loading. Learning rate config is same as the definition.
{'amsgrad': False,
'beta_1': 0.9,
'beta_2': 0.999,
'decay': 0.0,
'epsilon': 1e-07,
'learning_rate': {'class_name': 'ExponentialDecay',
'config': {'decay_rate': 0.96,
'decay_steps': 1000,
'initial_learning_rate': 0.01,
'name': None,
'staircase': True}},
'name': 'Adam'}
When you restart training after using model.save it trains with the learning rate it had when you saved the model. To make sure I wrote a simple callback using the learning rate scheduler callback.The code for the callback is shown below. I then trained a model for 5 epochs, saved the model, loaded the model and trained again. The callback prints the value of the learning rate at the beginning of each epoch and shows when training resumes the learning rate was preserved.
def scheduler(epoch, lr):
if epoch < 2:
lrout= lr * .5
print ('At the start of epoch ', epoch+1, 'lr is ', lrin, ' will be set to ', lrout, ' for epoch ', epoch+2)
return lrout
put this in your code before you call model.fit. then in model.fit include