Below is my JSON request. My requirement is to find total of the "cols"."value"
field if "cols"."name"="tran_amt"
"request" : {
"reqID" : "6839796504132",
"processID" : 97904250,
"tables" : [ {
"tableName" : "TABLE_NAME",
"records" : [ {
"recordID" : "record_id1",
"cols" : [ {
"name" : "tran_amt",
"type" : "VARCHAR2",
"value" : "562356"
}, {
"name" : "tran_id",
"type" : "VARCHAR2",
"value" : "123456"
} ]
}, {
"recordID" : "record_id2",
"cols" : [ {
"name" : "tran_amt",
"type" : "VARCHAR2",
"value" : "987098"
}, {
"name" : "tran_id",
"type" : "VARCHAR2",
"value" : "123456"
} ]
} ]
} ]
Here is the solution I had tried:
cols = request.getTables().get(0).getRecords().get(0).getCols();
total = -> "tran_amt".equalsIgnoreCase(o.getName())).mapToInt(o -> Integer.valueOf(o.getValue())).sum();
My solution retrieves the "value" from the first obj of "cols" only (in this case 562356). It doesn't sum all "values" matching the criteria.
Any inputs on where I am wrong?
Try this:
total = request.getTables()
.flatMap(t -> t.getRecords().stream())
.flatMap(r -> r.getCols().stream())
.filter(c -> "tran_amt".equalsIgnoreCase(c.getName()))
.mapToInt(c -> Integer.valueOf(c.getValue()))