I am trying to get the last entry of an allready filtered SubForm and place that single value on the MainForm. The entry should also be between a Date_0 and Date_1 alltough Date_1 is not allways specified (in that case simply get the last entry from the SubForm). So you get a more graphical idea (this is a simplification of the real Form):
Date_0 | Date_1 | ValueToGet |
2020/12/23 | 2021/02/27 | Value from Subform |
Dates | Values |
2020/12/20 | 1200 |
2020/12/23 | 1189 |
2021/01/25 | 1173 |
2021/02/20 | 1165 |
2021/03/12 | 1333 |
The value to collect from the SubForm would be, in this example, the fourth entry (between Date_0 and Date_1, and last entry in that Date range). The value is then stored in a txtBox in the MainForm as the Form Loads. I know the solution is probably setting a SQL filter on the txtBox, but I do not know how to do this. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
You can try below sub-
Private Sub cmdGetResult_Click()
Dim strFilter As String
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
strFilter = "[Dates] BETWEEN #" & Me.Date_0 & "# AND #" & Me.Date_1 & "#"
Forms![Form1]![subformTest].Form.Filter = strFilter
Forms![Form1]![subformTest].Form.FilterOn = True
Set rs = Me.subformTest.Form.RecordsetClone
Me.txtValueToGet = rs!values
Forms![Form1]![subformTest].Form.FilterOn = False
Set rs = Nothing
End Sub