
Spring Boot - Rabbit Custom ConnectionFactory

Are there any public utility methods available in Spring AMQP/Rabbit to create a custom Rabbit Connection Factory. As of now, I am using the following code

@Bean(name = "rp1")
    @ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "app.custom")
    public RabbitProperties rp1() {
        return new RabbitProperties();

    public ConnectionFactory cf1(
            @Qualifier("rp1") RabbitProperties rp1) {

        final CachingConnectionFactory cf1 = new CachingConnectionFactory();
       //remaing code left off 
    @Bean(name = "rp2")
    @ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "app.custom1")
    public RabbitProperties rp2() {
        return new RabbitProperties();
    public ConnectionFactory cf2(
            @Qualifier("rp2") RabbitProperties rp2) {

        final CachingConnectionFactory cf2 = new CachingConnectionFactory();
       //remaing code left off 

In application.properties, the following values are passed

Sample properties

  1. app.custom.host=localhost app.custom.port=5372
  2. app.custom1.host=localhost1 app.custom1.port=5373

Is there a better way to do this like, passing a custom RabbitProperties and getting a Connection Factory back by setting all the properties? Basically something similar to rabbitConnectionFactory bean in RabbitAutoConfiguration RabbitConnectionFactoryCreator class. I need st support multiple rabbit clusters in my application. Hence cannot use the Autoconfiguration, since it supports only 1 cluster


  • The maximum what we can suggest is a RabbitConnectionFactoryBean. It is not recommended to use out-of-the-box @ConfigurationProperties in the target projects. They are mostly internal for Spring Boot and are subject for often changes.

    You definitely can borrow a configuration idea from the mentioned auto-configuration and build your own CachingConnectionFactory object.


    According to your it sounds like you really can extract a common method to be called with a specific properties instance:

    @Bean(name = "rp1")
    @ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "app.custom")
    public RabbitProperties rp1() {
        return new RabbitProperties();
    public ConnectionFactory cf1(
            @Qualifier("rp1") RabbitProperties rp1) {
        return createConnectionFactoryByProperties(rp1);
    @Bean(name = "rp2")
    @ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "app.custom1")
    public RabbitProperties rp2() {
        return new RabbitProperties();
    public ConnectionFactory cf2(
            @Qualifier("rp2") RabbitProperties rp2) {
             return createConnectionFactoryByProperties(rp2);
    private CachingConnectionFactory createConnectionFactoryByProperties(RabbitProperties rp) {
        final CachingConnectionFactory cf = new CachingConnectionFactory();
       //remaing code left off 