
Why do I have to use the spread syntax in this case?

I'm attempting to solve this leetcode problem:

Here's the code that works:

function subset(set) {
    const result = [];

    helper(set, 0, [], result);
    return result;

function helper(set, i, slate, result) {
    if(i === set.length) {
        return result;

    // exclude i
    helper(set, i+1, slate, result);
    // include i
    helper(set, i+1, slate, result);


For this line here:


Why is it that when I changed it to result.push(slate) or result.push(...slate), neither works even though slate itself is an array?

For the case of result.push(slate): Is this because arrays are stored by reference in JavaScript, so when I do slate.pop(); here, it also pops out that item that is pushed into the result array?

However, I don't understand the other case (result.push(slate)) since it seems that in this case the individual items are pushed in, and not the arrays containing each of those items. Why is that?


  • You're indeed right about the first case, but for your second case it so because of the signature of Array.prototype.push which is

    arr.push([element1[, ...[, elementN]]])

    which is a varargs function (a function that can take an unlimited number of arguments). So when you call

    // given slate = [1,2,3]
    // is the same as calling

    Because your array slate is "spread" into individual arguments to push. Which will add 1,2,3 as individual array elements to result

    While calling

    // given slate = [1,2,3]
    // is the same as calling

    which is correct in your case and will add an array [1,2,3] as a single element to result.