I am doing some tutorial on protein modeling by using multiple templates to model the same protein. I am currently trying to run the align_all.py however the output turn like this
rmsd_list.sort(key=lambda x,y: cmp(x[1],y[1]))
TypeError: () missing 1 required positional argument: 'y'
I have try many way to correct it but still did not get the solution. I hope somebody can help me on solving this. I am currently using Python 2.7.
Below is the full codes
from pymol import cmd
def align_all(target=None,mobile_selection='name ca',target_selection='name ca',cutoff=2, cycles=5,cgo_object=0,method='align'):
cutoff = int(cutoff)
cycles = int(cycles)
cgo_object = int(cgo_object)
object_list = cmd.get_names()
rmsd = {}
rmsd_list = []
for i in range(len(object_list)):
if cgo_object:
objectname = 'align_%s_on_%s' % (object_list[i],target)
if method == 'align':
rms = cmd.align('%s & %s'%(object_list[i],mobile_selection),'%s & %s'%(target,target_selection),cutoff=cutoff,cycles=cycles,object=objectname)
elif method == 'super':
rms = cmd.super('%s & %s'%(object_list[i],mobile_selection),'%s & %s'%(target,target_selection),cutoff=cutoff,cycles=cycles,object=objectname)
elif method == 'cealign':
rmsdict = cmd.cealign('%s & %s' % (target,target_selection),'%s & %s' % (object_list[i],mobile_selection))
rms = [rmsdict['RMSD'],rmsdict['alignment_length'],1,0,0]
print ("only 'align', 'super' and 'cealign' are accepted as methods")
if method == 'align':
rms = cmd.align('%s & %s'%(object_list[i],mobile_selection),'%s & %s'%(target,target_selection),cutoff=cutoff,cycles=cycles)
elif method == 'super':
rms = cmd.super('%s & %s'%(object_list[i],mobile_selection),'%s & %s'%(target,target_selection),cutoff=cutoff,cycles=cycles)
elif method == 'cealign':
rmsdict = cmd.cealign('%s & %s' % (target,target_selection),'%s & %s' % (object_list[i],mobile_selection))
rms = [rmsdict['RMSD'],rmsdict['alignment_length'],1,0,0]
print ("only 'align', 'super' and 'cealign' are accepted as methods")
rmsd[object_list[i]] = (rms[0],rms[1])
rmsd_list.sort(key=lambda x,y: cmp(x[1],y[1]))
# loop over dictionary and print out matrix of final rms values
print ("Aligning against:",target)
for object_name in object_list:
print ("%s: %6.3f using %d atoms" % (object_name,rmsd[object_name][0],rmsd[object_name][1]))
print ("\nSorted from best match to worst:")
for r in rmsd_list:
print ("%s: %6.3f using %d atoms" % r)
Thank you.
The sort function key keyword is passed the object and is expected to return the comparison key for that object. Older versions of python sort used a cmp keyword which compared two elements to be sorted.
You want rmsd_list.sort(key=lambda e: e[1])
I suspect.