
Foreign key constraints involving multiple tables

I have the following scenario in a Postgres 9.3 database:

I would like to ensure that for each row of table C that references table B, c.b.a = c.a. That is, if C has a reference to B, both rows should point at the same row in table A.

Is there a better way to enforce data integrity in this situation?


  • There is a very simple, bullet-proof solution. Works for Postgres 9.3 - when the original question was asked. Works for the current Postgres 13 - when the question in the bounty was added:

    Would like information on if this is possible to achieve without database triggers

    FOREIGN KEY constraints can span multiple columns. Just include the ID of table A in the FK constraint from table C to table B. This enforces that linked rows in B and C always point to the same row in A. Like:

      a_id int PRIMARY KEY
      b_id int PRIMARY KEY
    , a_id int NOT NULL REFERENCES a
    , UNIQUE (a_id, b_id)  -- redundant, but required for FK
      c_id int PRIMARY KEY
    , a_id int NOT NULL REFERENCES a
    , b_id int
    , CONSTRAINT fk_simple_and_safe_solution
      FOREIGN KEY (a_id, b_id) REFERENCES b(a_id, b_id)  -- THIS !

    Minimal sample data:

    , (2);
    INSERT INTO b(b_id, a_id) VALUES
      (1, 1)
    , (2, 2);
    INSERT INTO c(c_id, a_id, b_id) VALUES
      (1, 1, NULL)  -- allowed
    , (2, 2, 2);    -- allowed

    Disallowed as requested:

    INSERT INTO c(c_id, a_id, b_id) VALUES (3,2,1);
    ERROR:  insert or update on table "c" violates foreign key constraint "fk_simple_and_safe_solution"
    DETAIL:  Key (a_id, b_id)=(2, 1) is not present in table "b".

    db<>fiddle here

    The default MATCH SIMPLE behavior of FK constraints works like this (quoting the manual):

    MATCH SIMPLE allows any of the foreign key columns to be null; if any of them are null, the row is not required to have a match in the referenced table.

    So NULL values in c(b_id) are still allowed (as requested: "optional field"). The FK constraint is "disabled" for this special case.

    We need the logically redundant UNIQUE constraint on b(a_id, b_id) to allow the FK reference to it. But by making it out to be on (a_id, b_id) instead of (b_id, a_id), it is also useful in its own right, providing a useful index on b(a_id) to support the other FK constraint, among other things. See:

    (An additional index on c(a_id) is typically useful accordingly.)

    Further reading: