In my spec, I'm trying to check if a change in a sequence is either -1, 0 or 1.
I described this invariant as below :
PVariance == Len(waitingRoomP') - Len(waitingRoomP) \in {-1,0,1}
CVariance == Len(waitingRoomC') - Len(waitingRoomC) \in {-1,0,1}
Invariants ==
/\ TypeInv
/\ \/ PVariance
\/ CVariance
The TLC model checker outputs this :
The invariant Invariants is not a state predicate (one with no primes or temporal operators).
Note that a bug can cause TLC to incorrectly report this error.
If you believe your TLA+ or PlusCal specification to be correct,
please check if this bug described in starting at line 590ff affects you.
is the value of waitingRoomP
in the next state, meaning PVariance
is now an action. Invariants can't be actions, they can only be "pure" operators.
You can instead check PVariance
as an action property by writing [][PVariance]_waitingRoomP
. This will need to be checked as a temporal property in the toolbox, not an invariant.