I have a table in SQL Server
create table student
id int,
batch varchar(10),
branch varchar(10),
registerNumber varchar(30)
I want my registerNumber to be of type batch+branch+id
a row in student id:1, batch:17, branch:BIT then the registerNumber should be 17BIT1
I tried to do this by using a default value in create table but it does not allow me to reference the columns of the same table
create table stud101
batch int,
branch char(3),
srNum int identity(1,1),
registerNum as Concat(cast(batch as char(2)),branch,cast(format(srNum,'0000') as char(4))
insert into stud101 values(17,'BIT')
select * from stud101
Just use a computed column:
create table student
id int,
batch varchar(10),
branch varchar(10),
registerNumber as batch + branch + id