I am getting two errors,
Following are the contents of my Podfile,
flutter_application_path = 'flutter module path'
load File.join(flutter_application_path, '.ios', 'Flutter', 'podhelper.rb')
target 'Target Name' do
I have a flutter module which I am using in my project. So for that I am integrating that flutter module through Podfile.
If anyone wants to know about how to embed flutter module in iOS project, Please refer this link https://flutter.dev/docs/development/add-to-app/ios/project-setup
I have tried following solutions,
I am using Xcode 12.2.
Thanks in advance.
I figured out the solution for this.
We need to make changes in build-debug.xcconfig and build-release.xcconfig.
In buid-debug.xcconfig, make changes like this,
In buid-release.xcconfig, make changes like this,
Please note, I was facing this issue in Cordova project. I haven't tried this solution in pure native ios project.