I've got a simple search PHP script but it only works like that:
Example: I've got in database "dvd-creator-setup" but if I want to find it I need to write the whole string, like "dvd" or "dvd-creator". Is it possible to make it work for queries like "dvd creator" or "creator setup"?
if (isset($_POST['searchh'])) {
$searchValue = $_POST['search'];
if ($conn->connect_error) {
echo "connection Failed: " . $conn->connect_error;
} else {
$sql = "SELECT * FROM pubfiles WHERE filename LIKE '%$searchValue%'";
$result = $conn->query($sql);
while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
echo "File name: <a href=".$row["path"].">" . $row["filename"]. "</a><br />Size: " . $row["size"]. " MB<br/> Uploaded by: " . $row["uploaded_by"]. "<br>-----------------<br>";
You could use full-text index on your filename
alter table pubfiles add fulltext(filename);
That allows you to query your filename column using MATCH() ... AGAINST
select * from pubfiles where match(filename) against ('dvd creator');
This would find 'dvd', 'dvd-creator', 'dvd-creator-setup', 'creator'.
There's also a BOOLEAN MODE
, that will allow you to mark all words as required.
select * from pubfiles
where match(filename) against ('+dvd +creator' IN BOOLEAN MODE);
That would return only 'dvd-creator' and 'dvd-creator-setup'.