
InversifyJS @multiInject not working, throws error "Ambiguous match found for serviceIdentifier"

I am using inversifyJs for DI in my typescript project. When using the decorator @multiInject, I am getting the error "Ambiguous match found for serviceIdentifier". I am following this example ( Why am I getting this error? Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.

import 'reflect-metadata';
import { Container, multiInject, injectable, } from 'inversify';

interface IWeapon {
  name: string;

interface INinja {
  weapons: IWeapon[],
  displayWeapons(): void,

class Katana implements IWeapon {
  public name = 'Katana';

class Shuriken implements IWeapon {
  public name = 'Shuriken';

class Ninja implements INinja {
  public weapons: IWeapon[];

    @multiInject('Weapon') _weapons: IWeapon[],
  ) {
    this.weapons = _weapons;

  public displayWeapons = () => {
    console.log(this.weapons[0].name, this.weapons[1].name);

const container = new Container();


const ninja = container.get<INinja>('Weapon');
ninja.displayWeapons(); // Should display all weapons.


  • You are getting "Ambiguous match found for serviceIdentifier" because when you get the container you are using the "weapon" identifier and that is not correct.

    Changing this line const ninja = container.get<INinja>('Weapon'); to const ninja = container.get<INinja>('Ninja'); should give you the desired output.