The assignment question is...
List the order's customer name, order status, date ordered, count of items on the order, and average quantity ordered where the count of items on the order is greater than 300.
I'm using Adventure Works 2019 for the assignment.
The answer I have been able to come up with is....
LastName + ', ' + FirstName AS 'Customer Name',
ssoh.Status AS 'Order Status',
ssoh.OrderDate AS 'Date Order',
SUM(ssod.Orderqty) AS 'Count of Items',
AVG(ssod.Orderqty) AS 'Average Quantity'
Person.Person pp
JOIN Sales.SalesOrderHeader ssoh ON pp.BusinessEntityID = ssoh.CustomerID
JOIN Sales.SalesOrderDetail ssod on ssoh.SalesOrderID = ssod.SalesOrderid
LastName + ', ' + FirstName,
SUM(ssod.OrderQty) > 300
When I change the inner join to an outer join I get null values for the customer name. I doubled checked the "customerID" foreign key to make sure it the same as the primary key "BusinessEntityID" and get results. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Based on having a quick look at the schema online (I don't have it installed), it's my understanding that you need to join Person.Person through Sales.Customer to Sales.SalesOrderHeader. So perhaps try the following:
Person.Person pp
JOIN Sales.Customer sc ON pp.BusinessEntityID= sc.PersonID
JOIN Sales.SalesOrderHeader ssoh ON sc.CustomerID= ssoh.CustomerID
JOIN Sales.SalesOrderDetail ssod on ssoh.SalesOrderID = ssod.SalesOrderid