1- How can I register and call my plugin in bootstrap file?
2- Is it a better way to use boostrap file intead of application.ini file for registering and calling my plugins ?
Note: Iam using custom path ('Mylib/Controller/Plugin') for storing my plugins.
Actually I want to convert following 'application.ini' entries
autoloaderNamespaces[] = "Mylib_"
resources.frontController.plugins.CheckHasAccess = "Mylib_Controller_Plugin_CheckHasAccess"
into bootstrap _initPlugin function.
Can some one guide me in this regards with some sample code.
Thanks in advance
1 - You would need first to load your plugin class (via Zend_Loader or require_once) then create your plugin yourself:
$plugin = new MyPlugin();
then you can call any public method of your plugin you want and at the end you can register it within front controller:
2 - if your plugins need to be somehow configured before they can be used by framework - then you can create and configure them yourself (as described above). If they don't need any special actions - then you can let them to be created by Framework automatically.