
How to make a Discord embed with only 2 columns

I am trying to make an embed with only 2 columns. Whenever I delete the inline value it drops test3 field like I want. Then I keep inline: true on test4 field and it drops to another row. I tried making both test3 and test4 inline values false but the problem still exists. How can I correct this?

Update: After playing with it some more I found that when I make a 5th field it splits the column again. Is there anyway I can hide test3 but keep the field?

My embed looks like this

enter image description here

My Code:

command(client, 'test' , (message) => {

      const embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
              name: 'test1' ,
              value: "```TESTING```",
              inline: true,
               name: 'test2' ,
               value: "```TESTING```",
               inline: true,
               name: 'test3' ,
               value: "```TESTING```",
               name: 'test4' ,
               value: "```TESTING```",
               inline: true,

      => {})

Updated Embed:

enter image description here

My Updated Code:

   command(client, 'test' , (message) => {

      const embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
              name: 'test1' ,
              value: "```TESTING```",
              inline: true,
               name: 'test2' ,
               value: "```TESTING```",
               inline: true,
               name: 'test4' ,
               value: "```TESTING```",
               inline: true,
               name: 'test5' ,
               value: "```TESTING```",
               inline: true,

      => {})


  • You can use .addField('\u200b', '\u200b') to add an empty field

    See the discord.js guide for more information