
Simulate camera with distortion in pyBullet

I am trying to configure a camera in pyBullet based on intrinsic and extrinsic parameters obtained from calibrating a real camera.

What I have

The camera is calibrated with OpenCV, giving me a camera matrix

|f_x  0  c_x|
| 0  f_y c_y|
| 0   0   1 |

and a vector of distortion coefficients

(k_1, k_2, p_1, p_2, k_3)

(I further have the pose of the camera but this is not relevant for the actual question, so I leave it out here.)

What I already did

Unfortunately the computeProjectionMatrix function of pyBullet is a bit limited. It assumes f_x = f_y and c_x, c_y being exactly at the center of the image, which is both not true for my camera. Therefore I compute the projection matrix myself as follows (based on this):

projection_matrix = [
    [2/w * f_x,  0,  (w - 2c_x)/w,  0],
    [0,  2/h * f_y,  (2c_y - h)/h,  0],
    [0, 0, A, B],
    [0, 0, -1, 0],

where w,h are width and height of the image, A = (near + far)/(near - far) and B = 2 * near * far / (near - far), near and far defining the range on the z-axis that is included in the image (see pybullet.computeProjectionMatrix).

What is still missing (my actual question)

The above already gives me better results but the rendered images it still don't match exactly with the real images. I suspect one reason for this might be that the distortion is not taken into account.

So finally coming to my question:

How can I implement distortion for the simulated camera using the parameters I got from calibrating the real camera?

Is there a way I can integrate this in the projection matrix? If not, is there an other way?


  • As pointed out in the comments, non-linear distortion cannot be integrated into the matrices. What I am doing now is to first render the image without distortion and then distort the resulting image in a second step, using the code from this answer.

    The image shrinks a bit due to the distortion, so when keeping the image size fixed there will be some empty area at the edges of the image. To compensate for this, I render the image at a slightly larger size than needed and then crop after distorting. Note that the centre point (c_x, c_y) needs to be adjusted accordingly, when increasing the size.

    To illustrate with some pseudo code:

    desired_image_size = (width, height)
    # add 10% padding on each size
    padding = desired_image_size * 0.1
    render_image_size = desired_image_size + 2 * padding
    # shift the centre point accordingly (other camera parameters are not changed)
    c_x += padding[0]
    c_y += padding[1]
    # render image using the projection_matrix as described in the question
    image = render_without_distortion(projection_matrix, camera_pose)
    image = distort_image(image)
    # remove the padding
    image = image[padding[0]:-padding[0], padding[1]:-padding[1]]

    This results in images that match very well with the ones from the real camera.

    The complete implementation can be found here.