I am new to python and their is very specific requirement on which I got stuck due to limited knowledge, I will appreciate if someone can help with this
I have generated a dictionary using excel which look like this
dict = {'Fruit' : {'Comb Words' : ['yellow',
'Mandatory Word' : ['banana',
'Animal' : {'Comb Words' : ['mammal',
'Mandatory Word' : ['cat',
Now, I have a dataframe which has a text column and I want to match keywords from this dictionary with that column. For example:
Text Mandatory Comb Final
A white domestic cat is playing cat domestic,white Animal
yellow banana is not available banana yellow Fruit
This dictionary is just an idea, I can change it since it is an input from excel. So any other format or way which can result in above output is the only aim here.
Using user-defined function:
import pandas as pd
Dict = {'Fruit' : {'Comb Words' : ['yellow',
'Mandatory Word' : ['banana',
'Animal' : {'Comb Words' : ['mammal',
'Mandatory Word' : ['cat',
df = pd.DataFrame({'Text':['A white domestic cat is playing',
'yellow banana is not available']})
def findMCF(sentence):
for mand in sentence.split():
for final in Dict:
wordtypeDict = Dict[final]
mandList = wordtypeDict['Mandatory Word']
if mand in mandList:
C = [wrd for wrd in sentence.split() if word in wordtypeDict['Comb Words']]
return (mand,','.join(C),final)
df['Mandatory'],df['Comb'],df['Final'] = zip(*df['Text'].map(findMCF))
Text Mandatory Comb Final
0 A white domestic cat is playing cat white,domestic Animal
1 yellow banana is not available banana yellow Fruit