I am trying to use flutter moor on my application. So after creating a column:
import 'package:moor_flutter/moor_flutter.dart';
class LocationTables extends Table {
TextColumn get locationUuid => text()();
RealColumn get latitude => real()();
Now I want to make locationUuid as index. So According it's official site I created a moor file to add index:
CREATE INDEX location_uuid_index ON LocationTables (locationUuid);
after that I added this file in db calss:
@UseMoor(include: {
}, tables: [
], daos: [
class Database extends _$Database {
But after run build runner:
pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
I got This error:
[WARNING] moor_generator:moor_generator on lib/database/database.dart:
line 3, column 37: Target table LocationTables could not be found.
3 │ CREATE INDEX location_uuid_index ON LocationTables (locationUuid);
I find a solution. I put answer to help someone:
In moor file I have to write table name like this:
CREATE INDEX location_uuid_index ON location_tables (location_uuid);
and after that build runner was success.
And This added in database.g.dart:
abstract class _$Database extends GeneratedDatabase {
_$Database(QueryExecutor e) : super(SqlTypeSystem.defaultInstance, e);
$LocationTablesTable _locationTables;
$LocationTablesTable get locationTables =>
_locationTables ??= $LocationTablesTable(this);
Index _locationUuidIndex;
Index get locationUuidIndex => _locationUuidIndex ??= Index(
'CREATE INDEX location_uuid_index ON location_tables (locationUuid);');
Attention to :