React + Apollo client app. I'm trying to read from my cache using readQuery
but can't read the cached fields.
Here's a rundown:
Component SinglePost
invokes useQuery
which executes my GET_POST
query and caches the result. GET_POST
query returns type Post!
. All is fine, dev tools show that ROOT_QUERY
contains a field called getPost with that post.
const { loading, data } = useQuery(GET_POST, {
variables: {
has a child component DeleteButton
that deletes a comment on click. It invokes useMutation
and deletes a comment. DELETE_COMMENT
query returns type Comment!
const [deleteComment] = useMutation(DELETE_COMMENT, {
variables: {
Post has an array of comments, and now I need to update its array in the cache and remove the deleted comment. I use update
function within the deleteComment
mutation to get the cache object and use readQuery
to get the getPost field from it, but it returns null, even though it's there in the dev tools.
update(cache, result) {
const cacheData = cache.readQuery({
query: GET_POST,
// code that doesn't run because cacheData is null
I suspect when mutating posts via mutations that return a Post
type it successfully reads the getPost field, but when mutation queries return a Comment
type it can't read getPost in its mutation hook... because there's no reference to a Post
For now I'm using refetchQueries
as a workaround. I don't like making extra calls to the server, but my smooth brain just can't figure this out. Any help is appreciated.
Whoops, no variables were ever passed to the query.
update(cache, result) {
const cacheData = cache.readQuery({
query: GET_POST,
variables: {