I am trying to build a Unity application to be deployed with WebGL. I am trying to incorporate Google Sign-In into the application, and so far, this was what I've managed to make work in the Unity WebGL build in Chrome:
, which is simply https://localhost
, with the auth
code parameter.My question is, is it possible for me to do the following, possible with .jslib
on Tab B, instead go back to Tab A without reloading, passing along the auth
code.Alternatively, I can set redirect_uri
to be an endpoint on my backend server, and perform the auth token -> id_token flow using the Google client SDKs. However, for this approach, I would like to know if i am able to
Would very much appreciate any help i can get :')
EDIT: For better clarity, what I want to achieve is something that FacebookSDK for Unity has done in their FB.LogInWithReadPermissions()
. The whole auth code -> access_token flow is seamless, and i get redirected back to the Unity application in Tab A at the end with the access_token.
I managed to find a Javascript solution to achieve my first method. The differences are that because
I used the implicit flow instead of the authorization code flow, despite it being not the recommended way due to security concerns. However, I think you can easily use the authorization code flow, retrieving the authorization code and passing it on to your backend to exchange for an id token. (as far as I know, you cannot use Javascript/XHR requests to do this exchange)
So, the flow is that from my C# script, I call a Javascript function from a .jslib
file. Basically, the function detects when the OAuth window has redirected back to my redirect_uri
, then gets the access_token
parameter from the redirected URI, and calls a C# Script function. From there, you should be able to do whatever you need to do (change scene, send to your backend, etc.). Note that there is a try/catch because there will be errors if you attempt to get information from the Google Sign In pages.
The file is as follows:
mergeInto(LibraryManager.library, {
OpenOAuthInExternalTab: function (url, callback) {
var urlString = Pointer_stringify(url);
var callbackString = Pointer_stringify(callback);
var child = window.open(urlString, "_blank");
var interval = setInterval(function() {
try {
// When redirected back to redirect_uri
if (child.location.hostname === location.hostname) {
clearInterval(interval) // Stop Interval
// // Auth Code Flow -- Not used due to relative complexity
// const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(child.location.search);
// const authCode = urlParams.get('code');
// console.log("Auth Code: " + authCode.toString());
// console.log("Callback: " + callbackString);
// window.unityInstance.SendMessage('Auth', callbackString, authCode);
// Implicit Flow
var fragmentString = child.location.hash.substr(1);
var fragment = {};
var fragmentItemStrings = fragmentString.split('&');
for (var i in fragmentItemStrings) {
var fragmentItem = fragmentItemStrings[i].split('=');
if (fragmentItem.length !== 2) {
fragment[fragmentItem[0]] = fragmentItem[1];
var accessToken = fragment['access_token'] || '';
console.log("access_token: " + accessToken);
// Invoke callback function
window.unityInstance.SendMessage('Auth', callbackString, accessToken);l
catch(e) {
// Child window in another domain
console.log("Still logging in ...");
}, 50);
Then, in my C# script, I call this function using the following:
public class GoogleHelper : MonoBehaviour
private static extern void OpenOAuthInExternalTab(string url, string callbackFunctionName);
// ...
public void Login(string callbackFunctionName) {
var redirectUri = "https://localhost";
var url = "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/v2/auth"
+ $"?client_id={clientId}"
+ "&response_type=token"
+ "&scope=openid%20email%20profile"
+ $"&redirect_uri={redirectUri}";
OpenOAuthInExternalTab(url, callbackFunctionName);
// ...
Of course, this is super hacky, and I'm not very familiar with Javascript and so don't really know the implication of the code above, but it works for my use case.