
Can't rotate (Default) screen on Raspberry Pi3 running Manjaro with X11

I’m running the latest version of Manjaro ARM i3 on a Raspberry Pi3 (Image: Raspberry Pi 4 I3 20.10). I can’t for the love of me get the screen to rotate. I recently switched from Manjaro Wayland to this version because of Synergy support.

What I tried:

I’m running the Stock version with no extra software. Any tips on how to get the screen to rotate?


  • I eventually found a even better solution thanks to the user BashCrash over at the Manjaro Forum

    The steps are as followed (with vc4-fkms-v3d enabled in the /boot/config.txt):

    After the reboot you xrandr should list the correct outputs (HDMI-1 in my case). You can then rotate the screen using:

    xrandr --output HDMI-1 --rotate left 

    You can make this setting permanent by adding it to you .i3/config file. Add the following line:

    exec xrandr --output HDMI-1 --rotate left

    The trade off with the original method is that the screen will rotate after boot and login. More in depth explanation on potential trade-off's can be found here: https://forum.manjaro.org/t/i3-on-raspberry-pi-4-with-dual-monitors/20996/9