
Can a single machine make requests from multiple different IP Addresses?

I am a complete rookie when it comes to networking and my question is theoretical. Let's say I have 3 public IP Addresses, and want to request a webpage X every few minutes. If webpage X places a cap of 10 requests per day on the requesting IP, is it at all possible to make requests via Python from the same machine but different IP Addresses?


+--------+    +----( Request 1 from IP: )------+    +--------+
| Client |----+----( Request 2 from IP: )------+----| Server |
+--------+    +----( Request 3 from IP: )---+    +--------+

I have tried to research things, but my knowledge is so small in this area, that I don't quite know what my question is... Is this something where a proxy would be useful?


  • I think that the easiest way is to create a list of proxy servers and send every K (10 in your example) requests via a different proxy server. So if your list include N proxy servers you can send N*K requests per day.

    You can setup your own servers or use different proxy server providers, Some of them are free.

    See: how to use proxy with python