My old iPad (ios9.3) refuses to load any reveal.js slides. It only shows the "Fork me on Github" image on the top corner. I suppose it will be that ios 9.3 does not support some new features of html5+js+css (I am not a developer, my skills are quite limited, so please excuse me if I say something stupid).
I am very interested in using it on an iPad due to the chalkboard plugin.
Any of you know what can be causing the trouble? Could I disable any of these features/files and make it work?
Thank you.
During all this weekend I was trying to figure out a solution. Finally, I manage to debug iOS safari from my windows laptop following this procedure and found that an "Unexpected identifier" was impeding "chalkboard" plugin to load.
A variable was defined with "let" command that, as I learnt, was not recognized by safari 9. I changed 4 "let"s with 4 "var"s commands in "plugin.js" (chalkboard plugin) and now it works in my old iPad, even with reveal v4.
Now I have another issue with the menus (menu plugin) not showing properly, but I will try also to fix it.