
Will mysql deadlock happen when autocommit=1 and all sql is simple enough for just CRUD one row?

My database is mysql5.7, innodb, isolation level is READ COMMITTED. I am afraid of deadlock, so I keep mysql sql statement simple, only have:

Each sql will have only one statement of above. for example: A connection exec insert into ... where ...; for once, never exec multi statement insert ... where ...; update ... where ...; The where statement have unique index constraint to assure operating only one row except select. Only the select operation will involve multi rows. I have 64 or more mysql connections, and I separate mysql operation to assure each connection operating different row. With the autocommit=1 configuration, will deadlock happen? If the deadlock probability is not zero, what is the scene to enter deadlock? and Why? I need help. Thank you.


  • If your updates will use multi rows operations or you don't have proper indexes and if you are doing multiple operations on same row at a time and then high possibilities for deadlock.

    In case you see then check statement for deadlock with below command once.