
Pygame Zero Player Animation Code Is Not Working

I have been trying to code a small game with a character that moves around. For some reason, I can't use gifs. After that, I turned the gif into a bunch of pngs and with that, I tried to write some code to animate it:

def animate():
    global frame
    curr_img = "player-walk" + str(frame)
    player.image = curr_img
    frame += 1
    if frame > 2:
        frame = 1

When I tried this code, I would get an error as soon as I called it. Here is the full code that I wrote:

import pgzrun as pgzero
import pygame

player = Actor("player")
frame = 1

WIDTH = 660
HEIGHT = 450

def move_player():
    if keyboard.w:
        player.y -= 2
        clock.schedule_interval(animate(), 0.5)
    if keyboard.s:
        player.y += 2
    if keyboard.a:
        player.x -= 2
    if keyboard.d:
        player.x += 2

def animate():
    global frame
    curr_img = "player-walk" + str(frame)
    player.image = curr_img
    frame += 1
    if frame > 2:
        frame = 1

def draw():

def update():


Error is in this link:


  • In this line

    clock.schedule_interval(animate(), 0.5)

    clock.schedule_interval takes in a callable(a function) and the interval. By adding parentheses after animate, you're actually calling the function and passing its output. Since animate doesn't return anything(None), you're doing the same as this:

    clock.schedule_interval(None, 0.5)

    where it should be

    clock.schedule_interval(animate, 0.5)