
PlantUML component diagam port

Is there any possible way to create component port in the component diagram?

If port has to be attached to only one arrow, its easy, because I can use #-- arrow.

interface y
[x] #- y

The problem is, if I try to attach to arrows to one port. I tried to use rectangle, but its not on the border then.

rectangle " " as P
[Component] - P

interface I1
interface I2

P - I1
P -- I2

Do you know any better workarounds?


  • Although a bit late for TO perhaps helpful for someone else.

    I managed to create ports on components with the following approach:

    skinparam componentstyle uml2
    left to right direction
    component X {
        port " " as x_out
    'u for layouting it more nicely, 0) for lollipop
    x_out -u0)- [Y]
    x_out -u0)- [Z]

    However I experienced a bad layout of the port itself, means when a component has several ports it will start looking messy. But hey at least its a port with multiple connections.

    Result looks like:

    enter image description here