Basically, I have a JSON of this shape:
"color": "#abcdef"
so I write a Reads
import java.awt.Color
case class Options(color: Color)
((__ \ "color").read[Color])(Options _)
except there is no reader for Color
. My second attempt was:
Color.decode((__ \ "color").read[String])
)(Options _)
but that's also apparently not correct. The documentation show ways to create readers for { }
(and [ ]
)'s, but not for "primitives" like numbers or strings. Can I do that?
You can do:
case class Options(color: Color)
object Options {
implicit val colorReads: Reads[Color] =[String].map(Color.decode)
implicit val optionsReads: Reads[Options] = Json.reads[Options]
Then the usage is:
val b = Json.parse("{ \"color\": \"#abcdef\"}").as[Options]
println(b) // prints: Options(java.awt.Color[r=171,g=205,b=239])