I'm sitting with a bit of a interesting situation. I have a customer that want to try and host their ASP.NET WebAPI from a Linux server. Obviously setting this up on Windows is reasonably straight forward, but I've gotten stuck at the point where one needs set up the "bindings" for the application.
Simply running xsp4 --https --p12file=cert.pfx --pkpwd=lolno
results in the server being active, but any request returns a "SSL_HELLO_MALFORMED" issue.
I got a similar issue on Windows 10 with IIS when I forgot to do the bindings in the IIS control panel. IS there a similar process for XSP4 on Linux whereby you bind the site to the https protocol with a specific certificate in order to fix this problem and get things to run?
From what I can tell the application isn't too complicated so it shouldn't have any compatibility issues with Mono.
In the end there was nothing that could be done to make it run on Linux. Sadly the Mono framework is just too different to .NET and we were forced to set up a Windows Server to address the issues.