In some of my testing I am comparing json result between some http calls, today I am just comparing strings, which is too naive and not reliable for example if order changes. Can you please recommend how to compare two json that may come in a different order of the elements like:
Thanks Oded
Parse the JSON bodies to Clojure data structures with for example cheshire
and compare those:
(ns my.ns
[cheshire.core :as json]))
(def body1
"{\"a\": 1, \"b\": 2}")
(def body2
"{\"b\": 2, \"a\": 1}")
(= body1 body2)
;; => false
(let [keywordize-keys? true]
(= (json/decode body1 keywordize-keys?)
(json/decode body2 keywordize-keys?)))
;; => true