Db2 Z/OS Version 11.01 and 12.
I am verifying that the structure of some tables is equal on more customers/environments. I noticed that the default value is the only aspect that differs between many tables
For Example - Table "Order" Columns "PRICE"
Environment 1 -> DECIMAL(18,3) NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT
Environment 2 -> DECIMAL(18,3) NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT 0
Environment 3 -> DECIMAL(18,3) NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT 0.0
I am not sure if i have to consider theese "definitions" as technically and functionally equivalent or not.
They are equivalent in this case. You can find the default values for different data types if you don't specify the values explicitly in the link ( https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSEPEK_11.0.0/intro/src/tpc/db2z_defaultvalues.html)