
query parameter preserve as json

I'm trying to store API request query parameters in JSON format, in a way that preserves the inferred original types of the parameters' values. I do this without knowing what these APIs look like beforehand. The code below deals with each query argument (delimited by &) one by one.

    for (int i = 0; i < url_arg_cnt; i++) {
        const http_arg_t *arg = http_get_arg(http_info, i);
        if (cJSON_GetObjectItem(query, arg->name.p) == NULL) {
            // Currently just treating as a string.
            cJSON_AddItemToObject(query, arg->name.p, cJSON_CreateString(arg->value.p));
            SLOG_INFO("name:value is %s:%s\n", arg->name.p, arg->value.p);
        } else {
            //duplicate key.

With the above code, for input


I get these prints:

name:value is start:0
name:value is count:2
name:value is format:policyid|second
name:value is id[key1]:1
name:value is id[key2]:2
name:value is object:{one:1, two:2}
name:value is nested[][foo]:1
name:value is nested[][bar]:2

According to this document and other places I've researched, https://swagger.io/docs/specification/serialization/

There is no consensus on how the query parameters are passed, therefore no guarantee what I could encounter here. So my goal is to support as many variations as possible. These possibilities seem to be the most common:


?x = 1,2,3







Object, could be nested:






Any ideas how to best go about this? Basically for these query parameters I want to aggregate ('exploded') arguments that belong together and save to query proper intended json objects. Line in question:

cJSON_AddItemToObject(query, arg->name.p, cJSON_CreateString(arg->value.p));


  • I recently ran into the same issue and will share some wisdom gained from the episode. I'm assuming you are implementing this on a MITM device (web firewall, etc.). As notedly in the question, there is no consensus in how the query parameters are passed. Not one standard or a set of rules that govern this -- in fact, any server may implement its own syntax, as long as the syntax is supported by the server code. The best one can do is to 1) decide what query parameter forms to support (do the best you can, maybe as many as possible) and 2) support only those forms, treat the rest (ones not supported) as String values, like your current code does.

    It's not worth it to fret too much about the accuracy of the preservation/inference of type in question, or formalizing/generalizing it for a heavyweight solution because 1) the arbitrariness of syntax you may encounter (not necessarily conforming to any standard, web servers can really do whatever they want, therefore the query parameters often don't conform to the, say, swagger standard referenced) and 2) looking at the query parameters only gives you so much information -- the benefit/value of implementing anything more than vague approximations (per rules defined by yourself, as stated before) is hard to be seen. Think about even the simplest of cases, how vague they can be: you sorta have to pretend in the x=something&x=something exploded case, arrays have to have at least two elements. If only one element -- x=something -- you treat it as a string, for how else do you know whether it's an array or a string? How about the x=1 case, is 1 a string or a number, the original / intended type? Also, how about x=foo&y=1 | 2 | 3? or when you see "1, 2, 3", with spaces? Are the spaces supposed to be ignored, are they array delimiters themselves, or are they actually a part of the array elements. Finally, how do you even know the intended string is not "1 | 2 | 3" itself, meaning it's not an array!

    So the best one can do in parsing these strings and trying to support/ infer all these variations (different rules) is to define ones own rules (what one is okay/happy with) and support only those.