
Delegation waring with the data source in powerapps

I have set the max limit to 2000 , when could see the same delegation warnings in my code using power apps with SQLdata source as connector

ClearCollect(sequencerUser,Filter('[dbo].[sequenceIDs]',User().Email in EmailAddress).sequenceID); ClearCollect(onstartselectedreqeustfromleft, SortByColumns( Filter( Filter('[dbo].[student]',IsApproved =1 ), sequenceID in sequencerUser ) ,"RequestDate",SortOrder.Descending)

I am facing the blue line highlighted with delegation warning for User().Email in and sequenceID in as it wont support with larger dataset.


  • Workaround trick: Save your User().Email as variable Set(gblUserEmail, User().Email) Use the variable in your query... Change user().Email to gblUserEmail

    Let me know if you get it fixed 😉