
Is there a way to set chrome options when using the seleniumrequest module?

My goal is it to make a request by using the seleniumrequest module. This is working fine. But now I often get captchas that are harder than the normal ones. So I assume the site is able to detect that I use selenium. So the next step would be that I change the Chrome Options and disable the "attribute" that I am using an automated software. I know how to do it for selenium alone, but it seems that seleniumrequest does not support that. Can somebody confirm this or can tell me what I did wrong.

from seleniumrequests import Chrome

webdriver = Chrome()

option = webdriver.ChromeOptions()


webdriver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=r"chromedriver.exe",options=option)``` 


  • option.add_experimental_option("excludeSwitches", ["enable-automation"])

    Would be the options for switching off automated software.

    Also ChromeOptions is depreciated use Options instead.

    from import Options
    option = Options()