
How to get type annotation within python function scope?

For example:

def test():
    a: int
    b: str

This function call raises a NameError: name '__annotations__' is not defined error.

What I want is to get the type annotation within the function test, like the returned dict of annotations in the global scope or class scope.

It there are any ways can achieve this ?

If it's not possiblle, why this syntax exists?


  • Within a function, annotations for local variables are not retained, and so can't be accessed within the function. Only annotations for variables at the module and class-level result in an __annotations__ object being attached.

    From the PEP 526 specification:

    Annotating a local variable will cause the interpreter to treat it as a local, even if it was never assigned to. Annotations for local variables will not be evaluated[.]


    In addition, at the module or class level, if the item being annotated is a simple name, then it and the annotation will be stored in the __annotations__ attribute of that module or class[.]

    The __annotations__ global is only set if there are actual module-level annotations defined; the data model states it is optional:

    [...] Predefined (writable) attributes: [...]; __annotations__ (optional) is a dictionary containing variable annotations collected during module body execution; [...].

    When defined, you can access it from functions within the module, or via the globals() function.

    If you try this within a function inside a class statement, then know that the class body namespace is not part of the scope of nested functions:

    The scope of names defined in a class block is limited to the class block; it does not extend to the code blocks of methods – this includes comprehensions and generator expressions since they are implemented using a function scope.

    You'd instead access the class namespace via a reference to the class. You can get such a reference by using the class global name, or inside bound methods, via type(self), inside class methods via the cls argument. Just use ClassObject.__annotations__ in that case.

    If you must have access to annotations in the function local body, you'll need to parse the source code yourself. The Python AST does retain local annotations:

    >>> import ast
    >>> mod = ast.parse("def foo():\n    a: int = 0")
    >>> print(ast.dump(mod.body[0], indent=4))
                target=Name(id='a', ctx=Store()),
                annotation=Name(id='int', ctx=Load()),

    The above shows a text representation for the body of a function with a single annotation; the AnnAssign node tells us that a is annotated as int. You could collect such annotations with:

    import inspect
    import ast
    class AnnotationsCollector(ast.NodeVisitor):
        """Collects AnnAssign nodes for 'simple' annotation assignments"""
        def __init__(self):
            self.annotations = {}
        def visit_AnnAssign(self, node):
            if node.simple:
                # 'simple' == a single name, not an attribute or subscription.
                # we can therefore count on `` to exist. This is
                # the same criteria used for module and class-level variable
                # annotations.
                self.annotations[] = node.annotation
    def function_local_annotations(func):
        """Return a mapping of name to string annotations for function locals
        Python does not retain PEP 526 "variable: annotation" variable annotations
        within a function body, as local variables do not have a lifetime beyond
        the local namespace. This function extracts the mapping from functions that
        have source code available.
        source = inspect.getsource(func)
        mod = ast.parse(source)
        assert mod.body and isinstance(mod.body[0], (ast.FunctionDef, ast.AsyncFunctionDef))
        collector = AnnotationsCollector()
        return {
            name: ast.get_source_segment(source, node)
            for name, node in collector.annotations.items()

    The above walker finds all AnnAssignment annotations in the source code for a function object (and so requires that there is a source file available), then uses the AST source line and column information to extract the annotation source.

    Given your test function, the above produces:

    >>> function_local_annotations(test)
    {'a': 'int', 'b': 'str'}

    The type hints are not resolved, they are just strings, so you'll still have to use the typing.get_type_hints() function to turn these annotations into type objects.