
Where is the option to share with "anyone, even anonymous"? Gsuite web app deployment

I've been developing in GAS in the past 4 years or so. Not so long ago we had the option to make the web app accessible to "anyone, even anonymous" but now I can't find it.

enter image description here

Can someone please help and tell me why was that change and what to do if I want the app to be accessible by anonymous users? Couldn't find a single thing in the docs (possibly outdated) or in their forums



  • Explanation:

    These are the corresponding options for web app access between the Legacy IDE and the new IDE:

    Legacy IDE New IDE
    Only Myself Only Myself
    Anyone within Domain Anyone within Domain
    Anyone Anyone with Google Account
    Anyone, even anonymous Anyone

    New IDE:

    enter image description here

    Legacy IDE:

    enter image description here