I'm trying to create a schema for the following example:
"foods": [
"fruits": [{
"apple": {
"color": "red",
"shape": "round"
I was initially trying to do the below structure, which is technically correct and should work but fails due to the bug found in https://github.com/dynamoose/dynamoose/issues/909.
export const FoodsSchema = new dynamoose.Schema({
foods: {
type: Array,
schema: [{
type: Object,
schema: {
fruits: {
type: Array,
schema: [{
apple: {
type: Object,
schema: {
color: String,
shape: String,
However it does not seem to work. Was getting TypeError: Cannot read property 'toLowerCase' of undefined
. The lowerCase error occurs because of the nested arrays or objects.
I also saw TypeMismatch: Expected foods.0.fruits to be of type object, instead found type object.
The latter occurred when I tried to change the schema thinking that may be it, but it was not the problem.
Solution: Extract the nested schema into it's own schema and reference that in the original one.
const appleSchema = new dynamoose.Schema({
apple: {
type: Object,
schema: {
color: String,
shape: String,
and then in the original one:
fruits: {
type: Array,
schema: [appleSchema],