
Timber + Gutenberg ACF Blocks doesnt rendering front end

here is my Class what extend on Timber Site class.


    class EngineACF  extends Timber\Site {

        public function __construct() {
            add_action( 'admin_head' , [$this, 'adminStyle']);
            add_action( 'acf/init', [$this, 'acfBlocks'] );

         * Define Gutenberg Blocks
         * @version 1.0

        public function acfBlocks()
            if (!function_exists( 'acf_register_block' )) {

            $blocks = [
                    'name' => 'homepage-slider',
                    'title' => 'Homepage Slider'

            foreach ($blocks as $perKey => $perBlock) {
                        'name'            => data_get($perBlock, 'name'),
                        'title'           => data_get($perBlock, 'title'),
                        'description'     => data_get($perBlock, 'title'),
                        'render_callback' => [$this, 'renderAcfCallback'],
                        'category'        => 'formatting',
                        'icon'            => 'format-aside',
                        'keywords'        => [str_replace(' ', ',', data_get($perBlock, 'name'))],

         * Render Dynamic Gutenberg block template
         * @version 1.0

        public function renderAcfCallback( $block, $content = '', $is_preview = false ) {
            $blockName = data_get($block, 'name');

            $blockName = str_replace('acf/', '', $blockName); 
            $context                = Timber::context();
            $context['block']       = $block;
            $context['fields']      = get_fields();
            $context['is_preview']  = $is_preview;
            Timber::render( 'blocks/'.$blockName.'-block.twig', $context );

I also have, blocks/homepage-slider-block.twig file. In admin panel, with gutenberg editor everything works perfectly. But in frontend, post content doesn't work/render correctly.

Any helps ? Thanks.

The output like :

frontend output


  • Allright. I just found what the issue was. I was using the post.post_content variable from twig.

    Apparently that is not a variable that contains the final content.

    For future reference for people with something like this issue: Use the {{post.content}} variable.